OpenPonk modeling platform¶

OpenPonk is a metamodeling platform and a modeling workbench implemented in the dynamic environment Pharo aimed at supporting activities surrounding software and business engineering such as modeling, execution, simulation, source code generation, etc.
Workshop Paper¶
IWST’16 Workshop paper: openponk_iwst16.pdf
Showcase video for ESUG 2016 conference
You can download preinstalled builds for each supported notation. Each link points to release on GitHub repository with binaries and sources for Windows, Linux and Mac (64bit only). More on platform support in README.txt file in the zip archive.
Plugin(s) build | Latest release (version) | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
All plugins | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
UML CD + OntoUML | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
BORM ORD | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
FSM | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
Petri Nets | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
BPMN | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
Markov chains | Latest release | Nightly build | Issue tracker |
- All plugins – All plugins with all notations together
- UML Class Diagrams with semi-complete UML 2.5 metamodel and XMI support
- OntoUML - Ontologically focused profile for UML
- BORM ORD — Business Objects Relation Modeling Object-Relation Diagrams
- FSM - Finite State Machines
- Petri nets - Prototype of PT Petri nets with arc weights
- BPMN - Business Process Model and Notation
- Markov chains - Notation describing Markov processes
Requirements and Opening¶
OpenPonk is a portable desktop application for Windows (7+), Linux and Mac based on Pharo platform. 32bit versions of any OS are not supported. Opening instructions and compatibility info is specified in README.txt file in the downloadable zip archive.
Once launched, clicking on the inner desktop will show a menu containing entries for OpenPonk. The same options are available on top bar on large enough displays.
Direct installation¶
To install latest OpenPonk with all default plugins to an existing Pharo 12 image, use the following snippet:
Metacello new
baseline: 'OpenPonkPlugins';
repository: 'github://openponk/plugins';
load: 'all'
Just beware that this is the master/main branch and might be unstable. For downloading specific version, add the version to the repository path. For example:
Metacello new
baseline: 'OpenPonkPlugins';
repository: 'github://openponk/plugins:v3.x';
load: 'all'
- OpenPonk version 4 and master branch can be loaded in Pharo 12
- legacy-roassal2 branch can be loaded in Pharo 10
- OpenPonk version 3 can be loaded in Pharo 9
- OpenPonk version 2 can be loaded in Pharo 8 and 7
- OpenPonk versions 1 and 0.x cannot be loaded anymore
Bug reports and feature requests:
To report a bug or request a feature related to implementation of specific kind of models/notations, use the related build repository. For general OpenPonk issues, use the OpenPonk core repository. If you are not sure whether is it related to the model/notation implementation or OpenPonk core itself, use the model/notation issue tracker and we will move the issue to its proper place.
Build | Issue tracker |
OpenPonk core | |
UML & OntoUML | |
BORM | |
Petrinets | |
FSM | |
BPMN | |
Markov chains | |
Centre For Conceptual Modeling and Implementation (CCMi):
Nest Big Data Arena